
Archives for : Skull

Norm and the Evil One

norm.jpgWhen I ran in to Norm at the NSRA Nationals in Louisville, KY At that time Norm had what I called “The Evil One“. Not a shifter but more of a coffee table trophy? Actually these are great Desktop items, impressive and a conversation piece at the least.

First Generation of Fanged Shifters

PA150002.JPG Handmade By Norm Grabowski
Owner Mark Warrick
Amarillo Texas
circa 2004

Classy Skull Shifter…


Handmade By Norm Grabowski
Owner Joe Paplosky
Circa 2006

Flat-top Bob’s Franken Shifter

This is one of many Norm Grabowski skull shifters that Flat-top Bob Owens has in his collection. This particular handcarved shifter knob was in Norm’s Kookie 2 vehicle for a few years and can be seen in several promotional posters and photos of Norm.





The Evil One


Several years ago I received a group of images from old pal Flattop Bob. Some where between breaking my arm twice, I misplaced the images and frankly I forgot I even had them. Here are a few pictures of a very unusual trophy piece. I believe this Normskull was created in 2007.

P8080013.JPG P8080010.JPG