Chuck Hardesty 12-22-57 – 10-18-11
We’ve all lost a true hot rodder and I’ve lost one of my best friends. Chuck Hardesty, Caruthersville, MO., passed away October 18, 2011 after contacting an internal flesh-eating virus. His diabetes and prior liver problems greatly increased the odds of contacting this very rare virus. The virus is believed to have been transferred through a cut on his hand while doing what loved – working on an ole hot rod.
Chuck was a lover of all cars and had a special fondness for all Henry 1932 Fords. He never owned a “show car”, but you can bet they were all driven often and were all the “real deal”. Chuck was a long time member of both national organizations.
We can all learn from this! Clean up and sterilize yourself immediately if you obtain a cut while working on anything – a habit that’s hard for all of us, including myself, to follow.
Chuck leaves his wife Elizabeth, family, and a host of friends to mourn his passing. His last ride was in his 1957 Nomad followed by his 1932 3 window all Henry coupe. Some thirteen other hot rodders and three Harleys showed their respect by driving in the possession.
Chuck was loved by all that knew him. We will miss you Chuck and our prayers go out to Elizabeth and the family. God bless.
Respectfully submitted, Joe “Studebaker Joe” Klinkhardt Hayti, MO